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March Hare
S2 licensed
Maybe you should have used BY.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Can't you think of the clutch heat as a substitute for driveline failures? A learning tool for us before the damage model is updated.

I teaches us to shift properly and prevents some of the whining when, in the future, the devs add other driveline failures.

About flat shifting.
I think you lot are confusing "shifting with your foot to the floor" and "shifting with the engine at full blast". Before engine management this was the same thing. Nowadays it ain't.
That VW dual clutch is a whole different thing and none of the cars in LFS have that kind of transmission.

PS. JeffR, why aren't you posting the SPR file of your problem?
Last edited by March Hare, .
March Hare
S2 licensed
Thanks a bunch Sam!
Now I'm wondering if a jedi could race in LFS with the monitor turned off.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Another year gone.

Memories gathered.
Some good, found LFS
Some not so good, can't seem to drive fast enough.

Thanks for all the good fun on the CTRA servers during the previous year. Sorry for my slow erratic driving and all the bumps and scrapes.

Hope to fair better this year.

Happy new year!
March Hare
S2 licensed
I have one thing I would like to say to you, Tweaker.

It goes something like this:

Why do people insist on whining and bitching about this stuff? Why can't they just file a report and let the admins do their job?

There, I said it and now I feel better. Thank you for listening.
March Hare
S2 licensed
What you are describing is understeer, not oversteer. But the rest of your argument is true, almost.

In LFS when tyres slip they heat up.

In real life they heat up from deformation too.
This is why tyres heat up even when driving in a straight line.The tyres sidewalls and contact patch are squished by the cars weight and that is what creates the deformation while driving normally, in real life. Centrifugal forces have very little to do with this.
In racing conditions the sharp turns, heavy braking and rapid acceleration cause more agressive deformation and as a result more heat.

IRL sliping causes heat too. When you lock up the tyres while braking. Spin the tyres while accelerating. Under- or oversteer in a corner. All these add to the heat load of the tyre.

In short: If you drive normally (every day trafic) your tyres wont cool down while going straight. As the heat load in the bends is not significantly greater.
If you race the heat load on the tyres is much greater in the bends than on the straights so your tyres will cool down while going straight, but not much. This is because the time spent on the straights is relatively short compared to the time spent in the bends.
March Hare
S2 licensed
mikespeed95, do you have a penis fixation?

Tell me one thing. How I, a really crap driver, can't seem to be able to burn the clutch unless I deliberately try. But you, the super 1337 zomgftwwtf!1!111oneoneelevenz driver and drift0rzer, have problems with it?

If you really want I can take a picture of my willy and send it to you for comparison. PM me with the details.
March Hare
S2 licensed
AHA! This camber change must be the reason I cook my fronts. I too would like to have the info on which cars and how much camber has changed.
I don't have the X installed on my comp anymore so if someone could gather the info I would appreciate it.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Better not. He would just complain how he can't drive them and the new patch has ruined LFS.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Quote from Humbleridderen :Couldn´t we stop to accuse of whining all the time, just because they have another opinion. It´s not nice!

Yes we could, but we won't.

Quote :Accuse people of cheating or havíng the wrong opinion, but accusing for whining is lack of words as I see it. Not a very constructive way to keep a debate.

Is there anything constructive in this whole thread? Just a bunch of people crying about how they can't play anymore because some things have changed. Apparently many of them haven't even tried the new patch but are just complaining because they want to be cry-babies.

Quote :Now it´s my turn to get a slap This forum is dangerous

Slap slap slapety slap. There you go.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Ofcourse they don't! They just want to whine.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Quote from AProst :With a best time of 1:46.190 on AS3 you should better shut your mouth than trying to give lessons.

Hit a nerve, did he?
March Hare
S2 licensed
Quote from JeffR :I would also find it fatiguing to constantly have to lift and press the throttle pedal quickly

You need more exercise.
Run a bit. Lift weights. Do some calisthenics.

How can you get on with everyday chores if you are fatiqued so easily? Obviously you can't walk if pressing a pedal a few times makes you out of breath. Come on! Do something before you die of hart failure!
March Hare
S2 licensed
Your hint of looking at the other replays seemed like you were justifying some actions you had taken.

Sorry if I got it wrong.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :Hint: Look at a few race replays before and after (forget when it was) the reported incident of me, and you make your call on who should get penalized........

You do know that revenge wrecking is not allowed?

On the voting for a ban. I does not work on any server where I have seen it.
An example: Two people (A and B) have an incident. Let's say it was B's fault. B quickly votes to ban A and calls him a crasher. A tries to defend himself but still everyone presses "1". A gets banned.
Is it fair to ban the innocent person just because the quilty one was faster to start the vote?
March Hare
S2 licensed
Thank you.
I've been meaning to ask for the list but never got around to it.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Maybe when gaining a new license status you should lose 100 points
March Hare
S2 licensed
Hurrah! For endurance days.

What week day are they on?
March Hare
S2 licensed
On a similar topic. Are there any "perks" to be gained when acquiring gold?
March Hare
S2 licensed
I would like to think the patch Y rev limiter as a temporary fix until we get a better engine damage model.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Minimum of 15 minutes per race. The longer the better.
I like longer races. I take good care of my tyres* so I have no problem racing for more than a few laps.

*read: I drive so slowly that my tyres wont wear out
March Hare
S2 licensed
Merry X-mas(or what ever you call it) to everyone.

And a happy new year too.

Special extra merry super x-mas to the devs! Thanks for the great present a.k.a. Patch Y.
March Hare
S2 licensed
Quote from AlienT. :Oh and Happy Xmas and a extremely drunken New Year to everyone involved with and racing on CTRA.

You trying to get some easy points by getting all the other racers drunk?

Merry X-mas to you all. And a happy new year.
March Hare
S2 licensed
I can't drive worth shit. I can't even burn the clutch in the XRG. Am I a total failure?
March Hare
S2 licensed
Your own fault for buing a game in alpha state. Bound to be some major changes before beta or final. You should have red the EULA.

Don't people really know what alpha/beta means in a program?

E: Damn I'm slow...